Randiane Aalberg Sandboe is a lighting designer and visual artist based in Bergen, Norway. Sandboe has an interest for both stage lighting, architectural lighting and light art which influences her designs. She holds a BFA in Interior Architecture from the University of Bergen (2019), and a MFA in Architectural Lighting Design from Hochschule Wismar, Germany (2024). Her main interests lies in the exploration of how lights can enhance a space’s structure and story, and also how to do lighting designs that affects both us and the planet in a healthy and sustainable direction. After finishing her bachelor she has been working full-time as stage lighting designer mainly for theatre and dance, and gotten experience from The National Theatre in Oslo, Black Box in Oslo, The National Stage in Bergen, Rosendal Theatre in Trondheim, The Western Theatre, Bright, M12 and festivals in Bergen such as Vill Vill Vest, Oktoberdans, and Bergen Dramatikkfesitval. In 2020 she got lighting designer Silje Grimstad as her mentor, and establishment grant from Bergen municipality and the Arts Council Norway. Sandboe has been working with directors and choreographers such as  Lene Therese Teigen (NO), Ludvig Uhlbors (SV),  Andrea Spreafico (IT) and Miriam Prestøy Lie (NO). 
2021- 2024 MASTER OF FINE ARTS, Architectural Lighting Design and Design Management, Hochschule Wismar
2019 BACHELOR OF FINE ARTS, Interior Architecture / Spatial Design, University of Bergen
2016 FINE ARTS, Two years vocational school, Kunstskolen i Bergen
2014 LIGHTING DESIGN, One year foundation course, Romerike folkehøgskole
2013 MUSIC (Classical piano), Rud videregående skole 
2019 - today   Freelance/independent lighting designer 
2020 - 2021   Western Norway Theatre, lighting engineer
2019 - 2020   The National Stage, Bergen, lighting engineer

Exhibitions // Performances 

Festival design concept,  Borealis experimental music festival, march 2024, LIGHT DESIGN CONCEPT
Light installation, "Invisible Visible" Geiranger Light art festival, February 2024, LIGHT ART INSTALLATION
Light installation, Flytårnet Fornebu, september 2023 LIGHT ART INSTALLATION
Dance,  Yohei Hamada, "Push Pull Matters", Norges Fiskerimuseum, august 2023 LIGHITNG DESIGN
Dance, Rina Rosenquist, "Villskap", Bærum Kulturhus, april 2023 LIGHTING DESIGN
Music, Borealis musikkfesitval, Jubileum, USF, mars 2023 LIGHTING DESIGN/SCENOGRAPHY
Dance, Yohei Hamada, "A Tail Holder", Chino Cultural Center, Japan 2023 LIGHTING DESIGN
Dance, Sara Torsvik, "Vi som ikke er deg", Cornerteateret, november 2022 LIGHTING DESIGN
Dance, Mirte Boagert, "REtransLATE", BIT - Teatergarasjen, oktober 2022 LIGHTING DESIGN
Theatre, Lene Therese Teigen, L IVIAS ROM, Cornerteateret, oktober 2022 LIGHTING DESIGN
Theatre, Linda Gathu, SUKKER, Bergen Dramatikkfestival, august 2022 LIGHTING DESIGN
Theatre, Miriam Prestøy Lie, "De Ansatte", Den Nationale Scene, mai 2022 LIGHTING DESIGN
Music, Benedicte Maurseth, "MÀNI", Sarah-Jane Summers, Vossajazz, LIGHTING DESIGN/SCENOGRAPHY

Installation, "Invisible Visible", Bergen Lights Light art festival, mars 2023 LIGHT ART INSTALLATION
Theatre,Bergen Borgerscene v/ Vibeke Flesland, "Karantenetanker", Den Nationale Scene, LIGHTING DESIGN
Theatre, , Sigmund Njøs Hovind, "AMOR FATI", Frontlosjefestivalen, LIGHTING DESIGN

Dance, Karen Eide Bøen, "Sjøveien (By Sea)", BIT - Teatergarasjen, LIGHTING DESIGN
Performance, "Judge Me", Jingyi Wang, Meteor, BIT-Teatergarasjen, LIGHTING DESIGN
Theatre, "Bad Dante Bad English Bad Opera", Spreafico/Matteo, Rosendal theatre Trondheim, LIGHTING DESIGN
Music, Metteson, Ole Bull Bergen + USF Verftet, LIGHTING DESIGN

Theatre, "Hull & Sønn", Jan Holden, Festspillene i Bergen, LIGHTING DESIGN
Dance, "Knockouts", Ludvig Uhlbors, BIT-Teatergarasjen LIGHTING DESIGN
Music, Borealis Ung Komponist, Borealis experimental music festival, LIGHTING DESIGN
Dance "Solowork - forever working title", Mirte Bogaert, Studio USF, LIGHTING DESIGN
Music, Amalie Holt Kleive, Landmark, Bergen, LIGHTING DESIGN
Dance "Her Past in Their Present Now" Grov Productions, LIGHTING DESIGN 

Dance "A Tail Holder", Yohei Hamada, Cornerteateret, LIGHTING DESIGN 
Theatre "All Frogs Are Gay", Getwert Theatre, Cornerteateret, LIGHTING DESIGN

Performance, "Ildfluer" Fjell Festning Light Festival, ILLUMINATED COSTUMES

Graduation project, Faculty of Fine Arts, Bergen, SLEEPER TRAIN DESIGN 
 Stockholm Furniture and Light Fair, Faculty of Fine Arts, Bergen, EXHIBITION DESIGN 

The Fourth Stage, Cornerteateret, Bergen, SET/LIGHTING/COSTUME DESIGN 

Vagina Monouloges, Immaturus student theatre, Kvarteret, Bergen, LIGHTING DESIGN

Behind the curtain, Exhibition, Faculty of Fine Arts Bergen, ART INSTALLATION  
Prøverommet, Exhibition, Østre, Bergen, ART INSTALLATION 
Medea, Eksamensforestilling, Høgskolen på Vestlandet, Bergen, LIGHTING DESING
Verdien av gamle verdier, Immaturus student theatre, Kvarteret, Bergen, SET DESIGN

Åpen dag, Exhibition, Faculty of Fine Arts, Bergen, ART INSTALLATION 
Eksponert, Exhibition, Kunstskolen i Bergen, ART INSTALLATION 
Alice in wonderland, Immaturus student theatre, Kvarteret, Bergen, LIGHTING DESIGN

Broken Heart Story, Romerike Folkehøgskole, Jessheim, LIGHTING DESIGN

Randiane Aalberg Sandboe
+47 93265029
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